Implementation ambassador profile: Spain-Jose Manuel Martinez-Sesmero


Tuesday, January 2, 2018 - 16:15

Prof. José Manuel Martínez-Sesmero (PharmD, PhD, MBA). Outpatient and Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Department (Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo). Director of Research and Innovation in Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy  (SEFH)

When was the first time you learned about the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy

Practically since the announcement in the European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy of October 2014.

How did you become involved with the Statement Implementation project?

The SEFH board of directors proposed me as their representative, as I have been working with some EAHP projects for some years as a Spanish operational delegate. Of these projects, I would point out “Proyecto PHARMINE”.

Why do you think the project will be beneficial for Spain? What are the priorities/what should Spain focus on? (maybe here you can talk about how some Statements are already implemented in Spain)

I believe in the benefits of heterogeneity of competencies and responsibilities in European Hospital Pharmacy. It enriches us and no doubt helps us improve as professionals. In Spain, we are lucky to have a legally recognized specialization by medical authorities, at the same level as our doctor colleagues. This educational tradition makes us have a high level of compliance with the Statements. We are very conscious with safe manipulation of dangerous medicines (3.5 Hazardous medicines should be prepared under appropriate conditions to minimise the risk of contaminating the product and exposing hospital personnel, patients and the environment to harm) and the improvement of information systems, new technologies and continuous real-time evaluation of data (1.7 Hospital pharmacists must be involved in the design, specification of parameters and evaluation of ICT within the medicines processes. This will ensure that pharmacy services are integrated within the general Information and Communication Technology (ICT) framework of the hospital including electronic health (eHealth) and mobile health (mHealth) procedures).

What are the biggest needs and barriers for Statement Implementation in Spain?

I don’t consider we are currently facing barriers or relevant obstacles. Nowadays we are redefining the educational plan of our specialization, so the Statements will be one of our best allies to secure, improve and if possible amplify the Spanish educational plan.  

What do you think should be the next steps in Spain regarding the implementation project?

I believe the first step should be to define, reach a consensus, and approve our educational plan with the Statements in mind, especially when looking at the future of our profession. That is the best guarantee for their implementation.

Do you think the self-assessment tool will be helpful for Spanish hospital pharmacists when moving towards implementation?

No doubt.