Statement 2.2

Section 2

"Hospital pharmacists should take the lead in developing, monitoring, reviewing and improving medicine use processes and the use of medicine related technologies. Responsibility for using these processes may rest with other health care professionals and may vary according to the medicine, the medicine related technology, the health care setting and the multidisciplinary team delivering care."

Hospital pharmacists have a key role, working with others, in ensuring continuous quality improvement for medicines use processes, including where information technology is utilised.

What does it mean for patients? Patients can be assured that the selection and all process use of medication and other health technologies (e.g. medicine-related devices) in the hospital are under the authority of hospital pharmacists whose expertise is available to all. Having a clear chain of responsibility with the professionals well trained in medications ensures the medication supply for the patient in a cost effective manner

What does it mean for healthcare professionals? Hospital pharmacists have a responsibility to ensure that the medicines prescribed by doctors and the medication related devices to be used by nurses for the patients’ needs are of appropriate quality. Doctors and nurses should have sufficient information available to use medicines safely and correctly and that this should be accessible in a timely manner to healthcare professionals and to patients. Having a clear line for consultation on all medicine related devices means that the concerns of prescribers are taken into consideration when selecting the devices for use in the hospital.

What does it mean for Hospital Pharmacists? Hospital pharmacists should collaborate with doctors and nurses on the wards in order to have detailed procedures for the medicine use process, the selection and use of medicine-related devices such as administration devices, giving sets, infusion pumps and computer- controlled dispensing cabinets, as well as the selection of drugs and pharmaceutical products to be included in the ward stock. 

