Lise Durand is Hospital Pharmacist (Clinical pharmacy) at the Rives de Seine Hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.
When did you become aware of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy?
I became aware of the Statements three years ago when I was a Pharmacy resident. It’s from that moment I have started to be interested in EAHP projects.
Do you think that move towards the implementation of the Statements within EAHP member countries can contribute to improve patients outcomes in France?
For sure, due to the Delphi process with the consultation not only of national hospital pharmacy associations, but also European patient groups, doctors and nursing organisations, the commonly agreed European Statements stand for European “gold standards” to deliver the best hospital pharmacy services all over Europe.
The Statements definitely are patient centred and help hospital pharmacists to consider their current activities and ongoing projects with a fresh perspective.
Although we don’t have to feel ashamed regarding our organization for Hospital Pharmacy in France (about 70% as overall score in May 2019), we do have areas of work and improvement e.g. in clinical pharmacy (43%).
Why do you think that is important that hospitals their pharmacies using the self-assessment tool?
There are many reasons that should encourage hospitals to assess their pharmacy using the SAT.
At an individual level the tool gives the opportunity not only to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its pharmacy, but also to set up an individualised action plan along with supporting evidences and other relevant resources. The tool is dynamic and can be modified at any time to demonstrate progress. Moreover the SAT allows hospitals to compare each other and helps them to become aware of their own progress within their country or compared to European hospitals.
At a national level, the more the SAT will be completed by French hospital pharmacists the more useful it would be to point out the areas in need of focus and improvement, in order to support their implementation regarding European objectives. It should be considered as a true lever to move forward for better patients outcomes.
Have you assessed your pharmacy using the tool? Did you find the action plan useful to identify priorities in your pharmacy?
Yes, we assessed our pharmacy once through a collective staff with all hospital pharmacists, our pharmacy resident and pharmacy technician manager. The assessment itself was very enriching and constructive to review some of our projects. Following the completion of the self-assessment, the action plan could help to (re)prioritize some projects.
This 15thof May will take place the Hopipharm Congress in Marseille. Have you prepared anything around the self-assessment tool for the event?
We will be hosted by the Synprefh (Syndicat National des Pharmaciens des Etablissements Publics de Santé) during the congress at a booth in the exhibition area (desk n°7). We are looking forward to present the self-assessment tool and to discuss about the Statements and the other EAHP initiatives with the hospital pharmacists. We are going to help anyone to create an account and get accustomed to the tool. We invite all delegates to stop by the Statements Booth!