SILCC Fellow profile: Zora Ćetković


Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 10:15

Zora Ćetković is hospital pharmacist at the Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbi and a PhD student at the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Pharmacy. She will join the Hospital Gregorio Marañon in June as SILCC Fellow.

When did you become aware of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy?

I heard of EAHP and the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy when I started working as a hospital pharmacist at the Clinical Centre of Serbia, in 2014. The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy express objectives which are in accordance with the objectives of health system in my country. 

Was the self-assessment tool helpful for understanding the level of implementation within your hospital?

I find self-assessment tool very useful in assessing the level of implementation of the Statements within my hospital. By assessing my hospital pharmacy, I was able to understand the statement implementation level within my hospital, but also to become aware ofthe areasneeding improvement.  

Why did you choose the Gregorio Marañon?

I chose the Gregorio Marañon hospital based on the description and outline of the training experience provided by this hospital. I liked the fact that the rotation would be active and practical, and assessable to the learner.

 What do you expect to get from visiting this SILCC Host?

I am very pleased that I got this opportunity and am looking forward to participate actively in the daily procedures. I expect to see how pharmacists are involved in decision making including advising and monitoring medication changes, how they decrease the risk of medication errors, and also to be engaged in publish research, so I could draw a comparison between the hospital pharmacy services in Spain and those in my country.

Have you discussed with your colleagues an implementation plan for after visiting this SILCC Host?

Yes, I have already discussed with my colleagues an implementation plan and I will prepare a presentation after finishing this internship.