Statement Implementation #8


Monday, May 28, 2018 - 14:45

23rd EAHP Congress in Gothenburg

EAHP held the 23nd EAHP Congress in Gothenburg (March 21-23, 2018). The Congress was very successful for the Statement Implementation project.

The EAHP Implementation team met with more than 300 participants at the EAHP Booth to introduce the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and the two latest initiatives that were launched during Congress:  the Self-assessment tool and the Statement Implementation Learning Collaborative Centres (SILCC). Visit our website to learn more about the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy.


Self-assessment tool: assess the level of implementation within your hospital

EAHP launched the online Self-assessment tool during the 23rd EAHP Congress in Gothenburg which provides hospital pharmacists the opportunity to assess the level of Statement implementation within their hospitals. Visit to learn more about the tool!
In order to provide assistance to hospital pharmacist, EAHP also launched a video explaining the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and how to use the tool to move towards implementation. EAHP is now working with its members on translating the Self-assessment tool. The tool has already been translated to several languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Turkish, Greek and Hungarian) and will be translated into more languages in the following weeks.
Stay tuned and follow us on social media to receive the latest updates on the Self-assessment tool!
#HospitalPharmacist #EAHP

Statement Implantation Learning Collaborative Centres (SILCC)

The SILCC programme launched during the 23rd EAHP Congress. The SILCC programme will allow hospital pharmacists (SILCC Fellows) to visit hospitals (SILCC Hosts) from other member countries to receive training in procedures related to the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy.

6 Hospitals have already signed up as SILCC Hosts! Do you want to become a SILCC Host? Do you want to join the programme as a SILCC Fellow? Visit our website to learn more about the SILCC programme!

Don’t hesitate to contact the EAHP Implementation team at should you have any questions!

Registration to the Synergy Masterclass now open

EAHP is pleased to announce the expansion of the Synergy programme to provide continuing education and further advance the hospital pharmacy profession throughout the world. The Synergy Masterclasses have arrived! Accredited by ACPE and focused on the most ground-breaking topics and topics most needed by hospital pharmacists and healthcare professionals, this programme is effectively a one or two-day mini congress.

The first Masterclass will be focus on “Management and Leadership” and will take place in Brussels on 5-6 October, 2018. This Masterclass is open to hospital pharmacists and other healthcare professionals and will provide key skills to help individual hospital pharmacists to take a leading role within their hospitals to move towards the implementation of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy.

 Register here.