Statement Implementation Newsletter #5


Monday, July 31, 2017 - 17:45

47th General Assembly in Malta (June 8-11, 2017)

The EAHP Implementation team updated delegates on the progress made and laid out future next steps the team will be working on over the following year. An update of the project budget was presented by the team and approved by delegates.

EAHP wants to thank all delegates and especially the Malta Association of Hospital Pharmacy for hosting the General Assembly.


Statement Implementation workshops

During the General Assembly in Malta, EAHP organised several workshops to discuss next steps and to come up with ideas and strategies to move towards implementation within member countries. Working groups also reviewed and discussed the beta version of the self-assessment tool. EAHP has prepared an updated Strategic Implementation Plan after taking into account feedback given during the workshops.

EAHP wants to thank again all delegates for their participation!

Self-assessment tool 

After receiving feedback and input from the EAHP Board, delegates at the General Assembly, participants at the EAHP Congress in Cannes (22-24 March 2017) and national implementation ambassadors, EAHP is now working on the final version of the self-assessment tool.

The self-assessment tool will allow hospital pharmacists to assess the level of Statement implementation within their countries. The online tool will also provide an individualised action plan with evidence to help hospital pharmacists move towards implementation within their hospitals.

The final version of the tool will be available in September and will be officially launched during the next EAHP Congress in Gothenburg (21-23 March 2018).


Learn more about the Statements

Please do not hesitate to contact EAHP at to learn more about the Statements and the implementation project and visit  to subscribe to our newsletter and to learn more about the work EAHP is doing.

Do you want to help your country and others to move towards implementation? Send us an email and we will give you more details about what you can do to collaborate with EAHP and your national association.