Our colleagues from the Section for Hospital Pharmacy of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society organised the event “ World-class healthcare - the hospital pharmacists contribution to the European vision” with attendants like Karin Meyer (CEO of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society” or the Swedish Secretary of State Mrs Agneta Carlsson. Several working groups were organised during the meeting. EAHP Project Director Tony West introduced the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and the implementation project.
One of the aims of the meeting was to get consensus about the need for uniformity and standardisation in the future of hospital pharmacy in Sweden. The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy and its implementation project were also discussed during the event.
Several workshops were organised to discuss next steps. The main outcomes of the meeting are the following:
- The Swedish Pharmaceutival Society agreed that the implementation of the statements has to be carried out from two horizons - top to bottom and bottom to top. Both on indiviudal level on daily basis and on political and top management level.
- The Swedish Pharmaceutcial Society will take an active and important role in the implementation project
- The Swedish Pharmaceutical Society Society will continue to talk about hospital pharmacy and the benefit for patients and patient safety as a way to rise awareness!
- It is important to educate in hospital pharmacy in Universities and to do research in the hospital pharmacy field
- There is a need to come up with a way to measure the progression!