European Statement:
- Introductory Statements and Governance
What was done?:
Tenders are made on ATC-level 5, but clinically equivalent therapeutic areas are evaluated on ATC-level 4. The analogue competition is an important strategic tool when conducting tenders and elaborating national recommendations on therapeutic areas (TA). Since 2017 the evaluation of TA has been based on a clinical evaluation, an economic evaluation and a tender. Previously the call for tenders was based on clinical evidence only. To evaluate whether the addition of a cost analysis (CA) to a tender evaluation would alter the drug recommendation of TA, a re-evaluation of the processed TA, evaluated from October 2018 until October 2019, was made on multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and severe asthma.
Why was it done?:
How was it done?:
The drug recommendations on TA made in the period was re-evaluated. Results from the cases with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and severe asthma were evaluated on clinical evaluation, tender price and finally with or without the CA.
What has been achieved?:
From October 2018 to October 2019 three TA have ended the evaluation process. The recommendation of severe asthma had a similar outcome regardless of the process used. For multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, the CA altered the drug recommendations.
What next?:
- Drug use evaluation›Cost analysis
- Drug use evaluation›Drug therapy outcomes
- Management›Health economics