European Federation of Neurological Associations

The European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) is an umbrella group representing pan-European neurology patient groups 

Our slogan ‘Empowering Patient Neurology Groups’ encapsulates our goals as an Association. We strive to add capacity to our members – allowing them to be the most effective advocates possible in their own disease specific areas.

EFNA embraces the concept of Partnership for Progress – working at a high level with relevant stakeholders from the fields of policy, medical, scientific/research, industry, patient partners and other key opinion leaders.

EFNA' smission

  • To influence policy makers and legislators in Europe (and particularly in the European Union) to prioritise resource allocation to reduce the burden for people living with a neurological disorder.
  • To communicate with our members to achieve positive change and to ensure that our actions both represent and provide added value to their own concerns and activities.
  • To establish strong partnerships and alliances with relevant stakeholders in the scientific, clinical, political and corporate arenas to help us to reach our goals – partnership for progress.

EFNA's value

  • Trustworthiness and transparency – we will be open, honest and ethical in all we do.
  • Respect and democracy – we respect one another’s differences and contributions.
  • Sustainability – we will make best use of our resources to bring about changes that produce permanent benefits for our members and will plan our activities to ensure EFNA’s future.


Endorsed the Statements: