“Hospital pharmacists should be involved in all patient care settings to prospectively influence collaborative, multidisciplinary therapeutic decision-making; they should play a full part in decision making including advising, implementing and monitoring medication changes in full partnership with patients, carers and other health care professionals.”
What does it mean for patients? Collaborative care is recognised to provide the best outcomes for patients. Therapeutic decision-making is an interdisciplinary activity where all healthcare professionals should be involved. Patients should be aware that Hospital pharmacists contribute to the safe and effective use of medication. Full access to all clinical data of patients allows Hospital pharmacists to fulfil their role.
What does it mean for healthcare professionals? Collaborative care is recognised to provide the best outcomes for patients. Therapeutic decision-making is an interdisciplinary activity where all healthcare professionals should be involved. Healthcare professionals can rely on Hospital pharmacists to contribute to safe, efficacious and cost- effective use of medication. Full access to all clinical data of patients is required to fulfil this role
What does it mean for Hospital Pharmacists? Hospital pharmacists should provide basic clinical services to the greatest extent possible and should pursue the expansion of these activities. Hospital pharmacists should be integrated into health care teams and accepted as decision-makers regarding medication use. Hospital pharmacists should have full access to all clinical data of patients in order to fulfil this role.
The SindelfingenBoeblingen Medical Center is SILCC Host providing training on this Statement. Please learn more about the SILCC programme here.
The Hospital Gregorio Marañon is SILCC Host providing training on this Statement. Please learn more about the SILCC programme here.