Statement 4.4

Section 4

"All the medicines used by patients should be entered on the patient's medical record and reconciled by the hospital pharmacist on admission. Hospital pharmacists should assess the appropriateness of all patients’ medicines, including herbal and dietary supplements.” 

What does it mean for patients? Patients can rely on hospital pharmacists as they contribute to reducing the risk of medication errors. Hospital pharmacists also contribute to the appropriate use of medicines to reach the optimal patient outcomes by monitoring all patients receiving treatment

What does it mean for healthcare professionals? Healthcare professionals can rely on hospital pharmacists to contribute to reduce the risk of medication errors. They also contribute to the appropriate use of medicines by providing advice regarding the medication therapy as well as monitoring the patients

What does it mean for Hospital Pharmacists? Hospital Pharmacists should systematically review and validate all prescriptions prior to dispensing and administration of medication
Hospital Pharmacists should contribute in the definition of procedures for correct prescription and administration of medicines.
Hospital pharmacists should continue to monitor all patients who receive medicines to ensure appropriate medication use and optimal outcomes. 

The  Sindelfingen­Boeblingen Medical Center is SILCC Host providing training on this Statement. Please learn more about the SILCC programme here.

