Statement 5.4

Section 5

“Hospital pharmacists should ensure the reporting of adverse drug reactions and medication errors to regional or national pharmacovigilance programmes or patient safety programmes.”

What does it mean for patients? Adverse drug reactions can occur and must be monitored constantly after marketing approval. The aim of pharmacovigilance reporting programs is to enable authorities to collect the necessary data update the risk-benefit assessments regarding medicines. 

What does it mean for healthcare professionals? Reporting of adverse drug reactions is a requirement in order to obtain sufficient data to improve quality and safety of medication practices. Hospital pharmacists can support healthcare professionals to increase reporting and review medication practices. 

What does it mean for Hospital Pharmacists? pharmacists should assist health care professionals to increase reporting. Hospital pharmacists should be involved reviewing and monitoring data and define any action needed to improve internal medication practices. 

The Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico Hospital is SILCC Host providing training on this Statement. Please learn more about the SILCC programme here.
